
PLENARY TALK, 25th July 2016, 9h00

Understanding the buckling and blistering of coated materials

by PhD. Christophe Coupeau

Institut Pprime, Dpt of Physics and Mechanics of Materials, University of Poitiers, France

Curriculum Vitæ


PLENARY TALK, 26th July 2016, 9h00

Computational Nanoelectronics for Graphene Allotropes

by PhD. Vijay K. Arora

Professor of Electrical Engineering, IEEE-EDS Distinguished Lecturer, Leading Educator of the World 2005, Department of Electrical engineering and Physics, Wilkes University, USA

Nanoelectronics: Quantum Engineering of Low-Dimensional Nanoensembles

Curriculum Vitæ


PLENARY TALK, 27th July 2016, 9h00

Nano and micro-structures for optoelectronic and energy harvesting device applications

by Professor Jae Su Yu

Kyung Hee University, Korea

Curriculum Vitæ


Oral Talks


Dr. Alphonsa Mathew

Assistant Professor

Department of Mathematics

St.Thomas’ College(Autonomous), Thrissur-1

Kerala, India


Tingting Quan

The College of Applied Sciences, Beijing University of Technology


Xin Li

The College of Applied Sciences, Beijing University of Technology


Dr. Humeyra Orucu

Ege University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Turkey


Professor Maxim V. Shamolin

Lomonosov Moscow State University


Murat Erdem

Marmara University, Physics Department, Turkey


Dr. Imran Oral

Physics Education Department- Necmettin Erbakan University- Konya, Turkey


Dr. Daniele Lattanzi 

Formerly ENEA - Fusion Department, Frascati Research Centre, Roma, Italy


Professor Valery Ya. Rudyak

Honoured Science Worker of Russian Federation

Head of theoretical mechanics department of the Novosibirsk State University of Civil Engineering

Visiting professor of Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk), Russia


Ammar Isam Edress

Dohuk Polytechnic University

Zakho Technical Institute 

Kurdistan Region, Iraq